Program Goals

1. Develop Skills and Knowledge

This program aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of mentees in the field of local public health. Mentors will provide guidance, feedback, and resources to help mentees build their expertise and capabilities.

2. Foster Career Development

Another important goal is to support mentees in their career growth. Mentees can work on setting career goals, receive guidance on their career paths, and be introduced to new opportunities throughout their time in the mentorship program.

3. Create a Supportive Community

The program seeks to cultivate a supportive community within the public health field. By fostering collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing among mentors and mentees, the program aims to create an environment where professionals feel valued, connected, and supported.

4. Build a Sustainable Workforce

The overarching goal of the mentorship program is to contribute to building a sustainable workforce in public health. By developing skills, fostering career growth, and creating a supportive community, this program aims to enhance the retention and dedication of public health professionals, ultimately ensuring long-term stability in delivering vital public health services.

Table of Contents

What is Mentorship?

Benefits to Mentors & Mentees

About the Public Health Mentoring Program

Program Goals

Stages of Formal Mentoring Relationships

Application and Matching Process

Setting Expectations

Goal Setting

Program Checkpoints

Schedule Overview

Potential Discussion Topics