What is Mentorship?

Mentorship is a valuable and essential component of personal and professional growth. It is a professional relationship between two individuals built on trust and respect, where a more experienced and knowledgeable person (mentor) provides guidance, support, and feedback to someone less experienced (mentee). The purpose of mentorship is to foster a mentee’s development by providing guidance, knowledge, and perspective from someone who has walked a similar path. Through this relationship, mentees can gain valuable insights and advice to help them make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

The mentorship relationship can be mutually beneficial. Mentors often find satisfaction in helping others succeed, and mentees gain valuable skills and knowledge that help them grow personally and professionally. Overall, mentorship is critical to helping individuals navigate their careers, develop new skills, and reach their full potential as public health professionals.

Table of Contents

What is Mentorship?

Benefits to Mentors & Mentees

About the Public Health Mentoring Program

Program Goals

Stages of Formal Mentoring Relationships

Application and Matching Process

Setting Expectations

Goal Setting

Program Checkpoints

Schedule Overview

Potential Discussion Topics