Setting Expectations

To support relationship building within the mentorship relationship, the Mentorship Program has developed a Mentor/Mentee Agreement that should be completed during the first month’s meeting. This agreement is a framework designed to help set expectations and guide conversations between mentors and mentees. It is not a legal or binding document, but rather a tool to facilitate a productive and positive mentoring relationship with accountability for both parties.

Having an agreement can be highly beneficial for mentors and mentees alike. By outlining goals, expectations, and communication preferences upfront, this agreement helps create a focused and effective mentoring experience. It also ensures that both parties are committed to the success of the relationship and willing to invest the necessary effort to achieve desired outcomes.

The Mentor/Mentee Agreement provided at the link below is meant to be a valuable resource throughout the Mentorship Program. It can be revised and updated as needed to reflect the evolving needs and goals of the mentoring relationship.

Program Expectations

  • Mentors and mentees are expected to commit to the 9-month program and to their mentor/mentee match.
  • Mentors and mentees should actively engage with each other through regular communication and meetings.
  • Mentors and mentees are required to complete the Mentor/MenteeAgreement, outlining mutual expectations, goals, and boundaries.
  • Mentors and mentees should complete the 3-month checkpoint surveys to provide feedback on their progress and the program’s effectiveness.
  • Mentors and mentees are encouraged to attend the MHOA conference in October to benefit from networking and educational opportunities.

Table of Contents

What is Mentorship?

Benefits to Mentors & Mentees

About the Public Health Mentoring Program

Program Goals

Stages of Formal Mentoring Relationships

Application and Matching Process

Setting Expectations

Goal Setting

Program Checkpoints

Schedule Overview

Potential Discussion Topics